Dragana TodorovskaStep by step Business planWe all sometimes are planning something. We are planning our birthdays, our trips to the store, the room we want to redesign, and so on…Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020
Dragana Todorovska3 Things to know before investingHave you done any projects?Apr 20, 2020Apr 20, 2020
Dragana Todorovskainbussines mindsHow to read the gestures of businesspeople?If you want to be good at making good deals for your business you have to know if the other side is trying to manipulate with you. There…Apr 18, 2020Apr 18, 2020
Dragana Todorovskainbussines mindsHow to reduce stress at workStress from work is a very serious health issue. It doesn’t matter what type of work you are working, stress can affect us equally.Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020